
The Module Bundler

A presentation by Alper Ortac



  • Frontend Developer @ Cisco
  • Fullstack Webdev Enthusiast


Yes, their logo is awesome.


It is

require/import sources (e.g. CommonJS, AMD)
convert and preprocess (e.g. minify, sass, babel)
create bundles that contain everything

It is not

a package manager
made for server-side

Our mission today

A webpack experiment

Now, we will build this search page step by step.


var template = '' +

Find. Anything.

' + ''; document.getElementById("app").innerHTML = template;


    <title>Find. Anything. - A Webpack Experiment</title>
    <div id="app"></div>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="dist/bundle.js"></script>

Where does bundle.js come from?


module.exports = {
    entry: {
        app: "source/script/app.js"

    output: {
        path: "dist",
        filename: "bundle.js"

webpack [--color] [--watch]

Show me the demo already

Link: Step 1

Our First Bundle

Step 1

Let's create a module and import it.

Modules & Imports


var template = "...";
module.exports = {
    template: template


var search = require("search.js");
// do something with search.template

Link: Step 2

Our First
Module Import

Step 2

Nothing changed visually. Now for the real stuff.


  • Webpack works with vanilla Javascript out of the box
  • Loaders extend that functionality
  • They are transformations applied on files

Let's enable Babel

$ _

npm install babel-loader


module: {
    loaders: [
        { test: /\.js$/, loader: 'babel' }

Now we can use ES6 style imports

//var search = require("search.js");

import search from "search.js";

Link: Step 3


Step 3

Let's see how we can improve templating and stylesheets.

Loaders can do a
lot more than transforming Javascript files

There is a loader for everything™


  • json: Loads file as JSON
  • hson: Loads HanSON file (JSON for Humans) as JSON object
  • raw: Loads raw content of a file (as utf-8)
  • val: Executes code as module and consider exports as JavaScript code
  • to-string: Executes code as a module, casts output to a string and exports it
  • imports: Imports stuff to the module
  • exports: Exports stuff from the module
  • expose: Expose exports from a module to the global context
  • script: Executes a JavaScript file once in global context (like in script tag), requires are not parsed.
  • source-map: Extract sourceMappingURL comments from modules and offer it to webpack
  • checksum: Computes the checksum of a file
  • null: Emits an empty module.
  • cowsay: Emits a module with a cowsay header.
  • dsv: Loads csv/tsv files.
  • glsl: Loads glsl files and support glsl-chunks.
  • render-placement: Adds React.render to your component for you (not very practical in most cases)
  • xml: Loads XML as JSON.
  • svg-react: Load SVG files as JSX-ified React.createClass declarations.
  • base64: Loads file content as base64 string


  • file: Emits the file into the output folder and returns the (relative) url.
  • url: The url loader works like the file loader, but can return a Data Url if the file is smaller than a limit.
  • worker: The worker loader creates a WebWorker for the provided file. The bundling of dependencies of the Worker is transparent.
  • shared-worker: Like the worker loader, but for Shared Workers.
  • serviceworker: Like the worker loader, but designed for Service Workers.
  • bundle: Wraps request in a require.ensure block (callback)
  • promise: Wraps request in a require.ensure block (promise)
  • react-proxy: Code Splitting for react components.
  • react-hot: Allows to live-edit React components while keeping them mounted and preserving their state.
  • image: Compresses your images. Ideal to use together with file or url.
  • img: Load and compress images with imagemin.
  • svgo-loader: Compresses SVG images using svgo library
  • baggage: Automatically require any resources related to the required one
  • polymer-loader: Process HTML & CSS with preprocessor of choice and require() Web Components like first-class modules.
  • uglify-loader: Uglify contents of a module. Unlike uglify plugin you can minify with mangling only your application files and not the libraries
  • html-minify-loader: Minifies HTML using minimize
  • vue-loader: Load single-file Vue.js components as modules, with loader-support for preprocessors.
  • tojson-loader Serialize module exports as JSON. Cache generated static data as JSON at build time.
  • zip-it-loader Convert files and directories to zip. Great with file.



  • html: Exports HTML as string, require references to static resources.
  • riot: Load RiotJS tags and convert them to javascript.
  • jade: Loads jade template and returns a function
  • jade-html: Loads jade template and returns generated HTML
  • template-html: Loads any template with consolidate.js and returns generated HTML
  • handlebars: Loads handlebars template and returns a function
  • dust: Loads dust template and returns a function
  • ractive: Pre-compiles Ractive templates for interactive DOM manipulation
  • jsx: Transform jsx code for React to js code.
  • react-templates: Loads react-template and returns a function
  • em: Compiles Emblem to Handlebars.js
  • ejs: Loads EJS (underscore( templating engine) template and returns a pre-compiled function
  • mustache: Pre-compiles Mustache templates with Hogan.js and returns a function
  • yaml: Converts YAML to JSON
  • markdown: Compiles Markdown to HTML
  • remarkable: Compiles Markdown to HTML using the Remarkable parser
  • markdown-it: Compiles Markdown to HTML using the markdown-it parser
  • ng-cache: Puts HTML partials in the Angular’s $templateCache
  • ngtemplate: Bundles your AngularJS templates and Pre-loads the template cache.
  • hamlc: Compiles haml-coffee templates (.hamlc) and returns a function.
  • haml: Renders haml-coffee templates (.html.hamlc) and returns a string.
  • jinja: Precompiles nunjucks and jinja2 templates
  • soy: Compiles Google Closure templates and returns the namespace with render functions
  • smarty: Pre-compiles php smarty templates and returns a function
  • template-string: Use ES6 template strings for html templates


  • bootstrap-sass: Loads a configuration file for Twitter Bootstrap integration using Sass. Allows complete customization via Sass.
  • style: Add exports of a module as style to DOM
  • css: Loads css file with resolved imports and returns css code
  • less: Loads and compiles a less file
  • sass: Loads and compiles a scss file
  • stylus: Loads and compiles a stylus file
  • rework: Post-process CSS with Rework and returns CSS code
  • postcss: Post-process CSS with Autoprefixer and other PostCSS plugins
  • autoprefixer: Add vendor prefixes to CSS rules using values from Can I Use
  • namespace-css: Namespace your css with a given selector (for encapsulating all rules in one subset of your site)
  • fontgen: Create your own webfont with proper CSS on-the-fly and include it into WebPack.



Loaders for HTML and CSS

Load file contents as string literal

npm install html-loader css-loader

Template function with variable replacement

npm install template-string-loader

Style injection in document

npm install style-loader

Loader Configuration


module: {
    loaders: [
        { test: /\.html/, loader: "babel!template-string" },
        { test: /\.css$/i, loader: "style!css?modules" }
  • Loaders can be chained with ! (read the chain from right to left)
  • ? indicates loader parameters (modules is for unique class names)



	<link rel="stylesheet" href="style/app.css" />
	<link rel="stylesheet" href="style/search.css" />


.search {
	width: 100%;
	vertical-align: middle;
	white-space: nowrap;
	position: relative;

// ...

Modules & Templates



import template from 'template/search.html';
import styles from 'style/search.css';

module.exports = {
    template: template({
        styles: styles

Link: Step 4

Everything is
in one Bundle

Step 3

What about images? And fonts?

Url Loader


module: {
    loaders: [
        { test: /\.(png|jpe?g|gif)$/, loader: 'url-loader?limit=8192' }


import logo from 'image/logo.png';
What means limit=8192?

If file size is below, create an inline
Base64 string instead of copying the file

External Files


<link href="http://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/font-awesome/4.1.0/css/font-awesome.min.css" rel="stylesheet">


@import url(https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Source+Sans+Pro:400,900);

Note: Webpack does not provide a way
to modularize externally hosted files

Ok, there is a trick, but it's not possible to use multiple domains.

Link: Step 5

Static Assets Inside

Step 5

Let's include a Javascript library.

jQuery, because lazy

$ _

npm install jquery


module: {
    loaders: [
        { test: /\.js$/, loader: 'babel', exclude: 'node_modules') }

Exclude node_modules from Babel preprocessor
to avoid longer build time and potential problems

Use it


import $ from 'jquery';

$(document).ready(function() {
	// do something


Link: Step 6

We are done

Gifs fetched from Giphy API

Step 6

Even More Webpack Features

  • Compress assets (minifying js/css, optimize images)
  • Inlining assets (style attributes, base64 images and fonts)
  • Splitting bundle into several Chunks (Async Loading)
  • Common Chunks and Dead Code Removal
  • Source Maps
  • Application Cache
  • Hot module replacement
  • Many more Plugins...

What about all the other tools?


  • Simple and Well Established
  • Bundling and Async Loading
  • Optimizer (combining, minifying, inlining)
  • Optimizer (Config, Performance)
  • No Static Assets
  • AMD format is outdated and can be quite messy

It's a classic, but lacks many features.


  • Webpack-like and thought-of concepts
  • node.js compliant
  • Can be quite slow
  • No Static Assets
  • Inferior Bundle Splitting

Webpack overloads require, so if you want
reusable server-side code use browserify

Besides, it's difficult to setup (at least in my experience)


  • package registry with dependency management
    npm + github + custom (like bower)
  • modules and bundling
  • little support for preprocessors

Strong because ES6 compliant, but requires
a partner tool for precompiling needs


or Grunt

or Broccoli
or …
  • LOADS of plugins
  • Task runner (not a module loader per se)

Task runners are basically without restrictions,
but all parts need to be glued together manually

Is webpack
the holy grail?


The Good

  • Modules, Loaders, Bundles & Splits work very well
  • Many Plugins for special requirements
  • Plays along well with other tools (e.g. gulp, bower)
  • Nice Performance

The Bad

  • require is overloaded, can't be used for node.js code
  • External script loading is not supported (e.g. CDN)


Webpack is great, but it's not for everyone

This presentation


Demo source code for all steps


Inspirational Sources

The End

Mister Freeman

Thanks for your attention!


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