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IntelliJ IDEA plugin to save groups of tabs and switch between different sessions.

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Tab Session

Save groups of tabs and switch between different sessions.

Installation Instructions

Go to the plugin settings of IDEA, click on Browse repositories... and search for Tab Session.

Or check out the source code and build the plugin manually.

See also: Jetbrains Plugin: Tab Session

What is Tab Session?

The plugin adds two new Actions Save Tab Session and Load Tab Session to IDEA in three different menues:

Editor Tabs Menu

The save dialog allows you to save the current set of open tabs:

Save Session Dialog

The load dialog allows to reload a previously saved session:

Load Session Dialog

After loading a session a notification is displayed:

Loaded Session Notification

Additionally, you are able to add, modify, remove and reorder sessions and their tabs in the Tab Session Settings page:

Settings Page

If anything went wrong, you can manually change the Tab Session configuration by editing the tabsession.xml file in your .idea folder. This is not encouraged because it can lead to problems. If you are stuck, just delete the file and you start with an empty (but working) configuration.